13 april 2014

Presentations of the projects

Wednesday 9 April we had given our presentations about the Parwo-project. All the students had to give a presentation about their project. There were two rounds and I was in the second. In the first round I went listening to other projects. I got to know what the others were doing with their project and how they have done that. In the second round I gave my presentation by using my ‘Dozijntje Parwo’.  This is a poster with twelve pictures that describes my lessons.


Third Parwo lesson

On 8 April I gave my third Parwo lesson. This lesson was about number sense. The children did a remove game. The older children got each twenty tokens and the other children each ten. For this lesson I asked parents to help and they accompanied a group. They played as Easter Bunny and the tokens were ‘eggs’. When a child has his eyes closed, the Easter Bunny takes a few eggs away. Then the child has to say quickly how many eggs are gone. The meaning of this lesson was to let children discover structure. To see how many eggs are gone quickly, you have to make a structure. Many children had make a structure, but only a few saw quickly how many eggs were gone. The other children were still counting all the eggs. There were a lot of different structures: groups of two or four, rows and figures. The children were in the role of investigator. This lesson was given on the second level of the Parwo matrix: exploration of content and structure and the first two domains: numbers till ten and till twenty.




Second Parwo lesson

On 7 April I gave my second Parwo lesson. This lesson was about number sense. I did this lesson in turn with a small group. First we looked at the number cards till twenty. The children told me which numbers stood on the cards. After that, the children went searching for numbers in the classroom. The children were in the role of collector, because they collected many numbers. They found numbers on a puzzle box, clock, bag, phone, computer keyboard, calendar, magnets, bucket etc. When a child found a number, we discussed what that number means. So this lesson was given on the first level of the Parwo matrix: exploration of exterior and function and the first two domains: numbers till ten and till twenty.


First Parwo lesson

On 20 and 24 March I gave my first Parwo lesson. This lesson was about geometry. First I looked at a few books with the children. These were about the shapes of objects and how they feel. We discussed what the objects have in common. After that I told the children that I have a lot of objects in a box. The children collected all the objects on the mat. Then we talked about the characteristics of it. We talked about the shape, how it feels, the color, function etc. So this lesson was given on the first level of the Parwo matrix: exploration of exterior and function. After this a few children went in turn describing these objects to the others. The objects were in the box again and the other children had to tell which object was described.

12 april 2014

Third and last meeting at the Parwo ‘Mathhouse’

Friday 21 March we had our third  and last meeting at the Parwo ‘Mathhouse’.

In this meeting we had done an activity where we had to measure. We all got beads and cords in different colors. With these cords we had to measure different things. We had to figure out ourselves how we could do this easily. In my group, we had made two types of cords. One cord with a five structure and one cord with a ten structure. Each cord had two colors. Some students had worked with a lot of colors. Through this I learned that there are different structures to use en that you have to figure out yourself what works best for you. I also know now that you have to let children figure the structure out themselves, so that they get the knowledge that you need structure to measure easily, especially with bigger things.


Second meeting at the Parwo ‘Mathhouse’

Friday 14 March we had our second meeting at the Parwo ‘Mathhouse’.

Dirk had made a puzzle for us. On the pieces stood our names with picture, our internship groups, our goals, feedback on our goals and the place of our goals in the matrices. We had to put the pieces together so that we could see what belongs to whom. After reading the feedback on our goals, we realized that they were not specific enough and that we struggled with the matrices. Because of that, Dirk explained the matrices for us. Then we got a worksheet with activities we had to do in pairs. The activities were about fractions. To do this activities, we had to use all kinds of materials. The meaning of this was that we didn’t do formal sums. Instead of doing activities at the top of the iceberg, we were busy doing what is under the iceberg.

First meeting at the Parwo ‘Mathhouse’

Friday 21 February we had our first meeting at the Parwo ‘Mathhouse’ in Tilburg.

As introduction Dirk van der Straaten had gathered information about us students from Facebook or our Blogs. We had to put the pictures by the right information. Sometimes it was difficult to find the right picture by the information. Therefore we actually had to have more information and I got immediately the connection with the Parwo-project, because children need also more information before they start with formal sums! We have to invest in the
buoyancy. After that we got a lot of information from Dirk about the leading principals of the Parwo-project. He told us about the iceberg metaphor, the matrices, the Parwo characters and many more. This was really helpful for me. Then we did some activities in pairs. This activities were about numbers and the metric system.
