16 februari 2014


On Wednesday, 12 February, four workshops were given. The workshops were by Junior FIRST LEGO League, Onderwijs Netwerk Ondernemen, Parwo and Onderwijs Helpt Onderwijs. In all the workshops was the creativity of the child very important.

Junior FIRST LEGO League
As introduction of this workshop, we had to write down a number under ten. When we had to tell our numbers, it was clear that we did not use our creativity. Everybody had a positive number and all written at the same way. The man of the project told us that we could also write a negative number and in letters. This was a real eye-opener for me, because it shows that we all forgotten to use our creativity and it is important to stimulate this by the kids.
This project is intended to enthusiast pupils for science and technique. By this project kids have to form a team up to 6 members aged 6 to 9 years. They have to investigate an problem and think of a solution. We have heard  a lot of brainstorming techniques you can use when children do not have ideas anymore. At the end of the project children have to put this on a poster and build a Lego model. It is also possible to make a moving model by using motors and sensors. We got the time to try this and you can see a video of it below.

Onderwijs Netwerk Ondernemen

This project is intended to strengthen the entrepreneurship of pupils. 'FABcompanies' (school company) is an enterprising concept which focuses on the sales what pupils make at creative subjects. The children run the FABcompany. The talents that belong to this project are self-steering and creativity.  At self-steering belongs factor of wanting, making choices, thinking of scenarios and taking distance.

In this workshop we had the assignment to create a product that cost nothing to make and we had to make a plan for it. You can see a picture of it on the right.


After Onderwijs Netwerk Ondernemen I attended the workshop of Parwo. In the introduction of this workshop we have been thinking about what talent is. There is said that based on their creativity, children develop their talents and you have to think outside the box. We also discussed the education from nowadays. Currently there is much focus on the aims instead of the process the children are making. I think we should look more on the process children make, because you can see how and what they are learning.

We have also done an activity. We got cards with different numbers and concepts. We had to link the numbers and the concepts to each other. You can see a picture of it on the right.

Onderwijs Helpt Onderwijs

The last workshop was given by Onderwijs Helpt Onderwijs. By this project (V)MBO students help teachers with technique at primary schools. Teachers can ask for help from OHO with technique. This is an opportunity for the students, the teacher and the class.

Through these workshops I also know better now what my peers are going to do with their projects.

My motivation for the Parwo project

First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is Manuelle Lagarde and I live in the Netherlands. I am studying at the Fontys Pabo in 's-Hertogenbosch. This is a teacher training college. I am having my internship at the kindergarten. This semester we had to choose between five different projects. These projects are: Junior FIRST LEGO league, Onderwijs helpt Onderwijs, Onderwijs Netwerk Ondernemen, Cultuurweek Kindcentrum de Kameleon 's-Hertogenbosch and Parwo.

I have chosen for the Parwo project (RME), because mathematics is something I am good at and I would like to know more about realistic mathematics for primary schools. I am looking forward to design activities for my internship and test them out. I am also very excited to inform the students of Christ Church University in Canterbury about realistic mathematics education in the Netherlands.
